One place for everything.

Bringing together goals across work, life, and school, your calendar shows you what success looks like every day and every month.

Integrate Multiple Calendars.

Sync ByDesign with your Apple, Google, and Outlook calendars to keep everything in one place.

Plan Effortlessly.

Use the Workspace sidebar to seamlessly drag and drop projects, tasks, and subtasks from your Workspace to Calendar. 

Customize your calendar.

You can filter out the items you want to see, so that you can better visualize your tasks, events, goals, and habits. 

Plan with a bird’s eye view.

Visualize your goals from a bird’s eye view. Create a roadmap for your life in order to achieve your biggest dreams. 

Get a quick sneak peek 👀

Access task notes, participants, and comments directly from your calendar.

Explore other features🕵️‍♀️

  • Community

    Invite colleagues, classmates, family, and friends to your network.

  • Maps

    Download goal plans, courses, or routines directly to your Workspace and Calendar.

  • Workspace

    Keep all of your projects, tasks, notes, and documents in one place.

girl on rocket

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Design the life you want.